Title This – Drag Bike Nationals Tower Scuffle

Dragbike Nationals Phill Davis, Doug Ray, Tim Hailey, Tim Fleming

Strange things can occur in the tower during a long, three-day motorcycle drag race. At the Drag Bike Nationals at South Georgia Motorsports Park, Nov.8-10, Cycledrag.com captured this image, and to honest, we are not sure what is going on. It looks a little like a UFC weigh-in.

Tech director and lollipop fan Phill Davis and DragbikeLive’s Doug Ray appear to be ready to come to blows over something. EatmyInk’s Tim Hailey is very concerned and is trying to break things up. SGMP track manager Tim Fleming seems to be enjoining every minute of it.

If you feel like you know what’s going on in this hot mess, or have a guess as to how it started please feel free to leave a caption in the comment box below.

What is going on here? Tech director Phil Davis vs. DragbikeLive’s Doug Ray with special guest referee EatmyInk’s Tim Hailey and joyful spectator Tim Fleming of SGMP.
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