Racing Industry Lifts Web Camshafts Family With Amazing GoFundMe Response Following Tragedy

Melissa Martinez Web Camshafts

On Sunday June 7th tragedy struck on US Hwy 395 as Melissa Martinez of Web Camshafts and her longtime boyfriend Matt Hagerman were killed in a head on automobile collision while traveling to the desert area for what was suppose to be an enjoyable camping and motorcycle riding trip.

The sudden loss of two young, vibrant, kind, caring individuals has been devastating and difficult to comprehend.
Melissa was well known and respected in the motorsports community for her more than two decades of work helping racers at Web Camshafts in Riverside, Ca. Her energetic personality could fill any room.

Melissa and Matt are survived by their daughter Presley Ann Gray, 19, and family. Matt was an astounding father who helped raise Presley from a very young age. Along with being amazing parents, Melissa and Matt touched the lives of many.

Any funds donated will be contributed to funeral expenses with additional funds going to Presley for financial needs. We would like to help lift Presley in this devastating and heartbreaking time of need. Any financial support is very much appreciated.

The motorsports industry has come together to provide more than $10,000 for the funeral expenses in the GoFundMe below. Mellissa and Matt will be laid to rest on July 8th.

Please feel free to make a contribution to the family if you can. Thanks so much.

GoFundMe link –

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