Protect Your Operation with an Amazing Professional Look from Portable Shade Canopies

Portable Shade Canopy

An indoor drag strip has yet to be built and it’s unlikely one will surface anytime soon, if ever.

Ergo quarter-mile performance enthusiasts and dragbike racers are regularly forced to endure long rain delays, scorching hot sun, dew and other unfavorable conditions over the course of a standard weekend-long event. Protection from the elements is vital.

Portable Shade president Eric Hochstetler has an excellent solution. Hochstetler, who also runs legendary motorcycle drag racing company MTC Engineering, has been to hundreds of races and knows exactly how to prepare to handle Mother Nature’s cruelest treatment.

Eric Hochstetler and Kelly Clontz under a great-looking Portable Shade canopy.

Portable Shade makes the world’s strongest, easiest to set-up and best-looking canopies and accessories. It’s a first rate, one-of-a-kind, unparalleled product.

Portable Shade’s outstanding and ultra-strong racing canopies

“Our canopies are like none other. They are all aluminum so they are very light weight,” Hochstetler said. “We have the strongest, most robust frame on the market and our unique octagonal legs really offer a lot of support. You won’t find anything stronger.”

Portable Shade makes some very slick accessories to show off logos like this pop up.

What really sets Portable Shade apart is the unbeatable recognition it can provide to a team’s logo and sponsors with brilliantly vivid and striking artwork.

“Not only can we put your branding on your canopy but we can create the matching flags to go with it, the matching walls that go around the canopy, the team umbrellas, the shirts, and all sorts of advertising signs,” Hochstetler said. “If you want to look like a professional team and brand your products so people recognize your logos, this is one of the keys and we can help.”

Portable Shade’s very cool signs look great in the pits or at trade shows.

Better yet, Portable Shade will help with the design and layout of the artwork free of charge.

Top Fuel Motorcycle world record holder Larry “Spiderman” McBride and his crew wear Portable Shade team shirts.

“It’s a big plus. If you compare us to anyone else in the market you will see we are very competitive,” Hochstetler said. ” We have the best prices in the industry and offer even better deals for larger orders. If you buy a whole package we offer a great discount”

Portable Shade Umbrellas

Adding to the unsurpassed strength and protection from the elements, mechanically inclined racers will appreciate Portable Shade’s advanced engineering and construction. There are no rivets on the legs and everything securely screws together. It makes it very easy to replace parts or quickly tear down further if needed.

“All of our crossbars are the same length. If you ever lose one or have an issue you don’t have to tell me I need a middle one or a side one because they are all incidental,” Hochstetler said. “We kept all these factors in mind when we were thinking of how to make these canopies the best out there.”

Highly engineered Portable Shade Canopies can be found in use in all forms of motorsports.

With the dragbike world coming off a grueling soggy-to-sunny Mancup race in Memphis in June, Hochstetler understand exactly what racers need to survive a weekend in this unpredictable and sometimes unforgiving outdoor sport.

“In Memphis we had rain the first day and extremely hot sun for the next two.” Hochstetler said. “We would have been in big trouble without our canopies. It kept us out of the sun and dry,”

Eric Hochstetler and Portable Shade representing at the Kroger 200 at Martinsville Speedway in Martinsville, Va.

When it comes time to protect a very expensive motorcycle and tools in a storm a Portable Shade canopy can quickly become one of the most valuable pieces of a racer’s operation.

Check out the Portable Shade website, give them a call and mention this article to see what special promotions and discounts are available.

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