Jacob Green Bio

Jacob Green Dragbike WriterWell, hey there.
I’m Jacob Green, I’m 16 years old, a junior in high school, and live in Wichita, Kansas. I have a burning passion for drag racing, motorcycles, cars… you name it. My father, Larry has sucked me into this beautiful world of motorsports and I don’t regret it at the slightest. I have also been “working” in the field of video production for three years, and I focus on mainly drag racing here in the Wichita area.
I also run a YouTube channel that is pretty much nothing but drag racing and a little more. Feel free to take a look if you would like.
Most of you are probably thinking – This guy is YOUNG!
Well, I am going to admit; I am. I have a long way to go yet in both life and a drag racing career. Just another one of those “usual” 16 year-olds.
My dad gifted me with a Kawasaki Z1 chassis and a 1398cc power plant for Christmas that we are currently working on together right now, and hope to have it out by the second week in May. I am definitely looking forward to getting out on the track and start racing myself. My dad has been racing for near 28 years now, and could work on anything if you give him the chance; so long as it’s a Kawasaki he’s happy. But after how the 2013 season was, and how involved and how much of a part of his program I was, It was only a matter of time before the tables turned.
I am glad and thankful to have the opportunity to provide some content for you all here on cycledrag.com, and communicate with people that I have a common interest with outside of home and school!

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