New year, new goals, new opportunities, and new builds baby! Not sure we could find too many people to lament the passing of 2022, but everyone can look forward to new builds for a new year. There’s no time like the present to get to that project bike you’ve been ignoring or finally twist the throttle on that crazy idea that’s been rolling around your head for far too long. Perfect conditions may never arrive, so the time is now fellow speed freaks!
It can be intimidating starting something from scratch, but take it from us, the easiest way to go about it is just start it. Any of it, anywhere. Even just grips, or cleaning prep to see what you’re working with. Get in motion and Newton’s first law will take effect before you know it. Dirty hands and visible progress weren’t the opening act at last week’s punk show but they are a recipe that pairs perfectly with the moto palate. Better yet, you don’t have to do it alone. It’s a new year for The Crew too and we’re chomping at the bit to see what kinds of greatness we can help you bring to life.

More fun than a treadmill and easier than giving up caffeine. It’s two thousand twenty-three, the year of the build. What are you going to do with it?