Australian National Drag Racing Association Hires News Office Manager

Tammy Brown

Tammy Brown

The Australian National Drag Racing Association (ANDRA) is pleased to welcome Tammy Brown to the team as its new Office Manager.

Brown is based in ANDRA’s Royston Park (SA) Head Office, working five days a week.

With 35 years of experience in administration and management roles across accounts, payroll, customer service and office management, Brown – who has also lectured at TAFEs in the areas of accounts and payroll – is already proving a valued addition to the ANDRA team.

Brown is also familiar with the needs of sporting associations, having spent the last ten and a half years working Racing SA’s finance support and training role, supporting clubs with accounts and payroll.
“I don’t mind rolling up the sleeves and helping when I am needed in any role,” Brown said.

“Although I am new to drag racing, I have always been around cars and karts growing up. My dad is a motor mechanic and owns his own business restoring cars, so I have grown up around all things automotive and motorsport and I am now pleased to support my son in racing go karts also over the last seven years.

“I have been very excited to start working at ANDRA, and I hope by bringing my experience and learning some new skills along the way I help get the office back to providing the supportive role it should for the members.

“I have already learnt so much in my first two weeks and was so pleased to attend my first drag racing event at the Riverbend Nationals. It was very exciting and enjoyable to meet a lot of wonderful and supportive people, and I am looking forward to working with you all moving forward.”

ANDRA Chief Executive Officer, Tim McAvaney, asked ANDRA members to join him in welcoming Brown to the role.

“We are very pleased to have Tammy in the office with us as our new Office Manager, and while she has only been with us for two weeks, she is already helping us to meet the needs of our membership base,” McAvaney said.

“I once again want to thank our members for their patience over the last nine months. With Tammy’s help, we are excited about further improving our service delivery to ANDRA members.”

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